Image credit: Boeing

The Ryanair Group, Tuesday 9 May , announced an new 300 Boeing 737-MAX-10 aircraft  order for 150 firm and 150 options for delivery between 2027 to 2033 in a contract valued at $40 Billion at list prices, to facilitate disciplined traffic growth of 80% from 168 million passengers in year end March 2023 to 300 million passengers per annum by March 2034. This is the largest order ever placed by an Irish Company for US manufactured goods.

Ryanair expects 50% of these deliveries will replace older B737NGs , delivering very significant revenue growth, each aircraft will have 228 seats, while reducing unit costs with a a two year gap between the last delivery of B737 MAX-8200 “Gamechanger” aircraft in FY25, and the first MAX-10 delivery in FY27.

CFM International signed a Letter of Agreement (LoA) with Ryanair for the purchase of LEAP-1B engines to power 150 Boeing 737-10 aircraft. The LoA also includes spare engines and options for 150 additional aircraft.

This order will be posted to Boeing’s Orders and Deliveries website once it is finalized subject to shareholder approval at Ryanair’s AGM in September.

Boeing CEO & President CEO, Dave Calhoun said “The Boeing-Ryanair partnership is one of the most productive in commercial aviation history, enabling both companies to succeed and expand affordable travel to hundreds of millions of people.  Nearly a quarter century after our companies signed our first direct airplane purchase, this landmark deal will further strengthen our partnership.  We are committed to delivering for Ryanair and helping Europe’s largest airline group achieve its goals by offering its customers the lowest fares in Europe.”

CFM International CEO & President Gaël Méheust, said “We are honoured by Ryanair’s renewed trust in our products and in our teams. We look forward to continuing to support Ryanair’s fleet development by providing them with the best standards in terms of reliability, sustainability and maintenance.”

Ryanair Group CEO Michael O’Leary said “Ryanair is pleased to sign this record aircraft order for up to 300 MAX-10s with our aircraft partner Boeing.  These new, fuel efficient, greener technology aircraft offer 21% more seats, burn 20% less fuel and are 50% quieter than our B737-NGs. The extra seats, lower fuel burn and more competitive aircraft pricing supported by our strong balance sheet, will widen the cost gap between Ryanair and competitor EU airlines for many years to come, making the Boeing MAX-10 the ideal growth aircraft order for Ryanair, our passengers, our people and our shareholders.”

Image Credit: Boeing

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