In a positive development for Dublin Airport route development post Covid-19 global pandemic Moldovan carrier HiSky inaugurated two new routes from Dublin to Cluj-Napoca and Iasi operating twice weekly on Mondays and Thursdays.

YR-SKY Airbus A320-232 MSN 4493 operated Cluj-Napoca to Dublin on Friday 30th April as HYS251 arriving at 1358 local. The aircraft departed at 1601 local as HYS244 to Iasi. The aircraft has an Irish connection being formely registered as EI-LIN operated by Italian airline Ernst Airlines.

Mr. Viorel Federiga, Board of Directors’ chairman, together with Mr. David Ciceo, General Manager of the Cluj Napoca International Airport “Avram Iancu”, stated “The launch of HiSky’s flight operations, as well as the news that this operator brings to the network of routes available at the Cluj Napoca International Airport “Avram Iancu”, meet the passengers’ connectivity needs in all traffic segments, respectively business, ethnic or tourist traffic. The HiSky’s decision to open new routes and to develop the operational base in Cluj, represents a new confirmation of the positive premises in terms of regaining passenger traffic.”

Image courtesy of Elevationair

Irish Aviation Research Institute © 2 May 2021 All Rights Reserved