Ryanair Boeing 737-800 

Irish budget carrier today announced it’s winter programme from Rome that will deliver more than 6.3 million customers per year at the airports of Rome Fiumicino and Ciampino.

As part of an extended Rome winter 2014 schedule it will increase frequency on Dublin to Rome Ciampino to twice daily, using Boeing 737-800 aircraft, enabling business travellers same day return.

Ryanair’s Michael O’Leary said “Ryanair is delighted to announce a record advance bookings to / from Rome, for our winter 2014 programming begins this week with 47 routes in total – including 6 new routes to Athens, Barcelona, ​​Brussels, Cologne, Crotone and Lisbon – and with an increase in frequency of 19 routes linking Rome with the major European centers of business and with 10 other Italian cities.”

 Irish Aviation Research Institute © 30th October 2014 All Rights Reserved.