Commercial Traffic up 4% 

The Irish Aviation Authority announced on cumulative basis, commercial terminal traffic for Shannon, Dublin and Cork airports for January to June 2013 was up by 1.0%.

Dublin Airport continues to grow, with commercial terminal flights up 3.9% in June. This is the fourth consecutive month in which growth at Dublin has been recorded.

However Cork Airport recorded negative growth of 6.1% reflecting the withdrawal of Wizzair services.

Shannon Airport had positive commercial traffic growth up 1% .

The June 2013 figures for the three State airports, when compared to the same month in the previous year are:

Cork Airport: -6.1% with an average of 68.5 commercial daily movements.

Dublin Airport: + 3.9% , with an average of 505 commercial daily movements.

Shannon Airport: +1%, with an average of 63 commercial daily movements.

Eurocontrol analysis of data for the June 2013, shows that five of Ireland’s Top Ten ‘Airport Pairs’ (from a billing perspective) showed growth (or neutral growth), when compared to June 2012. The most significant growth was for Dublin – Birmingham (+38.4%), London/Gatwick – Dublin (+17.9%) and London/Heathrow – Dublin (+12.4%).

According to Eurocontrol data released by the IAA in relation to Ireland’s major departing and arriving flows during June 2013. There was growth or neutral growth on 65% of these inbound flows and on 58% of these outbound flows, when compared to June 2012.

Irish Aviation Research Institute © 15th July 2013 All Rights Reserved.