On Wednesday a privately owned VP-CAL Boeing 777-200LR , having taken off from Basel in Switzerland flew over England, over to Norway, across to the Faeroe Islands, back across Scotland, down over Ireland, did a number of circles over Wexford (to get a good view of National Ploughing Championships?), then headed down over the Bay of Biscay and across France to land again back in Basel. It cruised at 39,000 feet (FL390).

                                            Image: Paddy Kilduff 


The track can be viewed on www.flightradar24.com : Select Playback : 2012-09-26 at 15:00 : Filter : Aircraft : B77L : Add Filter : Then if you click in the aircraft icon over Wexford the full track will be displayed on your screen (you can move the map or zoom out)


The aircraft generated a discussion on the Irish Aviation Spotters Yahoo Group given it’s unusual routing and timing with west bound traffic flows into the North Atlantic Oceanic Airspace. The aircraft first flew on 23rd August 2010 and was ferried Paine Field to Basel 4th November 2010.

Credit to Irish Aviation Spotters Yahoo List, Mark Willis, Paddy Kilduff XEI Newsletter.

Irish Aviation Research Institute © 28th September 2012 All Rights Reserved.