Eamonn has over 23 years experience in the aviation market
covering the airline, MRO and aircraft leasing and finance markets.  Eamonn is currently Director and Chief
Commercial Officer for Acumen Aviation in Europe.  He is also a Director of a number of investor
entities in Ireland.  He currently heads
lease management, and is actively involved in growing the investor base,
aircraft remarketing and trading activities. 
He previously held roles with SR Technics (UK), ORIX Aviation, AWAS,
Octagon Aviation Capital and was one of the founding partners of Eirtrade
Aviation.  Prior to aviation he worked in
banking in the US.  Eamonn is a Fellow of
the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland and holds a Bachelor of
Commerce from University College Dublin. 

Eamonn has been an active member of ISTAT for the past 15
years and is a regular speaker and participator on the worldwide aviation
circuit.  He is also an active member of
the ISTAT Foundation fundraising committee since 2018, raising funds for the
various events and establishing and generating funds and interest for the ISTAT
Foundation golf event in Dublin.  

Eamonn would be a great addition to the ISTAT Board bringing
with him a rounded experience across all aspects of the aviation sector.   Eamonn
is also a regular promoter of the industry having established new aviation
entities and developing employment within the sector.  As a leader, his style is an all-inclusive
and progressive one; from mentoring new entrants to embracing and promoting
diverse cultures, key ingredients in this dynamic and global industry.  He brings enthusiasm and a “can do” attitude
to each new task. 

If elected, Eamonn will work with the ISTAT Board to focus
on policies of inclusion, diversity, regeneration and sustainability.  Given the current market conditions, Eamonn strongly
believes that these are important factors to move us on as an industry.

Eamonn currently lives in Dublin with his family and enjoys
travel, golf, cycling and new challenges. 

Key policy issues;

  • Inclusion & diversity-focus on ongoing funding and
    development of the ISTAT education and student development programs throughout
    the world.
  • Recoverability-Policies that support the industry over the
    next 12 months and into the future as we look to recover from current
    crisis.  Work with ISTAT to support
    recovery through lobbies, support functions and global practices
  • Sustainability- The skies are clearer but once back in
    operation “green” issues will once again be on the agenda.  Work with ISTAT to co-ordinate a voice and
    address key long term issues