Aer Lingus & Ryanair new aircraft orders ©

The prospects of Aer Lingus and Ryanair securing very attractive new aircraft  pricing in the next 18-24 months have improved considerably as cracks begin to appear in the current aircraft order cycle as industry pressures begin to mount, it will be interesting

2012 The Year of European Airline Consolidation ©

This year is certain to be one of consolidation in the European airline sector as the industry is continually being buffeted by events as the European debt crisis continues with record unemployment levels and austerity depressing demand across the EU, the

Germanwings Irish Promotional Video ©

Germanwings is promoting ‘The Green’ tourist product of Ireland, following on its announcement on the 19th of September it was increasing capacity on the Cologne/Bonn-Dublin route by 25% for Summer 2012 with an additional weekly frequency being added to the schedule,

Air Travel Crucial for Irish Economic Recovery ©

                         Air Travel will play a crucial role in the recovery of the Irish economy playing a valuable role to drive inward Foreign Direct Investment, and enabling Irish companies to grow export markets, with the economic expected to grow by 1.8%

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