Dublin Airport 

The Irish Aviation Authority announced an continued positive trend of commercial air traffic growth at Dublin Airport in September as commercial traffic increased by 6.6%.

In the nine months of January to September traffic increased by 4.2% to 124,939 commercial movements compared to 119,867 for the same period in 2012.

IAA CEO, Eamonn Brennan said “This sustained growth is very encouraging news for Dublin Airport and the wider economy. September was also a good month for Shannon, up 5.5% year-on-year. There is some way to go to catch-up with previous levels during the peak years but 2013 is a step in the right direction. In Dublin, the IAA is handling this growth phase both safely and cost effectively through our innovative and award winning airspace management technique known as Point Merge”.

On a cumulative basis, commercial terminal traffic for Dublin, Cork and Shannon airports for January to September 2013 was up by +2.7%.

The September 2013 figures for commercial terminal flights at the three State airports are:

  •  Cork Airport – 5.2%, with an average of 62 daily movements
  •  Dublin Airport + 6.6% with an average of 498 daily movements.
  •  Shannon Airport +5.5%, with an average of 60 daily movements

Irish Aviation Research Institute © 9th October 2013 All Rights Reserved.