Ethiopian Cargo operated a once off Dublin Boeing Boeing 777-F60 flight on 29-30 March by ET-ARJ msn 42033. The aircraft operated Maastricht to Dublin as ETH3639 arriving 1926 local departing at 2333 local using same flight to Addis Ababa.

Ethiopian Cargo operates a fleet of 13 dedicated freighters including 10 Boeing B777-200LRF and 3 Boeing B737-800F serving  57 global destinations in Africa, the Gulf, Middle East, Asia, Europe and the Americas with an annual cargo uplift of 432,417 tons.

Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics Services in the strategic road map of Ethiopian – Vision 2025 envisions to be a full-fledged profit centre with annual revenue of $ 2 Billion, 19 dedicated aircraft, 62 global freighter destinations and annual tonnage of 820,000 tons.

Image courtesy of Elevationair 

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