The Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) announced it handled just over 2 million passengers at Dublin Airport in August up 2%. Traffic between Dublin and continental Europe increased by 2.5% to 1.1 million passengers , while domestic traffic declined by 21% to just over 7,000 passengers and UK traffic declined by 3% to just under 635,000 passengers.

The long-haul markets from Dublin continue to perform strongly with North American Traffic up 4% driven by Aer Lingus connecting traffic over Dublin to 193,000 passengers, and traffic to the Middle East/North Africa increased by 74% driven by seasonal North African summer flights to over 47,000 passengers.
The DAA stated almost 13 million passenger travelled through Dublin Airport to date which is flat versus last year.

The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) announced the total number of flights in Irish Airspace increased by 1.40% in August, with the 4th August the busiest day with 1,729 flights in Irish Airspace.

There was an increase of 2.90% in Ireland’s en-route traffic movements (flights that pass through Irish airspace but do not land in Ireland) during August 2012 versus August 2011.

The figures for commercial terminal flights at the three State airports, when compared to the same month in the previous year are:
Cork -1.7%, with an average of 71 daily movements.
Dublin 2.7%, with an average of 477 daily movements.
Shannon -4.7%, with an average of 56 daily movements.

The IAA stated it is the first time in 2012 that the Authority has seen growth in each of the main traffic streams of En-Route traffic movements, North Atlantic Communications flights and International Arrivals and Departures during 2012 compared to 2011.

Irish Aviation Research Institute © 13th September 2012 All Rights Reserved.