Northern Ireland airport’s Belfast International Airport and City of Derry Airport have warmly welcomed the news Northern Ireland is to 39th annual G8 Summit next year in Lough Erne Resort County Fermanagh on 17-18th June 2013 adding it would be a tremendous fillip’ to the local economy.

Managing Director Belfast John Doran said “Belfast International Airport will play its full role in making this summit a resounding success. We have the capacity to handle all of their aircraft requirements and, as they set foot on Northern Ireland soil, they will be guaranteed a very warm welcome.

We have considerable experience in this respect having dealt with Presidents, Prime Ministers and other leaders in the recent past.This Summit is an opportunity to showcase what’s best about Northern Ireland. We’re ready for the G8 and, as a community; we must be ready to exploit the benefits from this potentially tremendous fillip for the local economy.

Tourism, inward investment and political stability will all come under the microscope and we have to be ready to do all we can to exploit what’s offered.We have one chance to shine, one chance to make a massive impression globally, and we have to grasp it with both hands.We have never had an event of this magnitude, and Belfast International airport stands ready to play its full part in making it memorable and successful”.

City of Derry Airport Managing Director Mr Damien Tierney said “The news as an “excellent opportunity to showcase Northern Ireland”, adding that “we are looking forward to playing our role in welcoming the leaders of the G8 nations from across the world during 2013, our special year of Culture Celebrations”.

Chairman of Tourism Ireland Brian Ambrose said “This is an unprecedented opportunity to showcase Northern Ireland – not only to world leaders but also to the international media. It will raise the profile of Northern Ireland and ultimately help us achieve our goal of increasing visitor numbers from overseas”.

Irish Aviation Research Institute © 20th November 2012 All Rights Reserved.